
Monday, July 30, 2012

Ending it?

First of all, I feel it is my duty to inform you of some false advertising.

I recently bought this coconut milk. I was intrigued by the 45 calories per cup, AND HEB was out of the Silk unsweetened almond milk that I really wanted (which is also 45 calories per cup). I tried it this morn over shredded wheat with blueberries.

It tasted like opaque, white water. No protein. Seriously, it kind of tasted like what I imagined the water that I  my mom had cleaned my paintbrushes in last week. THAT probably had more protein.

Yes, my awesome mom came last week to help me paint the bathroom, and that was really fun. We stayed pretty busy- worked every day from about 9 until 4 or so. The only thing I have left to do is paint the trim yellow and paint the door white. I'm waiting until that is done before I post pictures of it, but just trust me, it looks pretty awesome.

On Saturday I went to a foam rolling clinic at my gym. I ended up talking to this trainer that I kind of knew from the running group (which I haven't been back to since I hurt my back the next morning after the first meeting), who really reminds me of one of my darling students from last year that I will miss a bunch (and that makes me feel totally old- I know this guy thinks he and I are the "same age", but I'm pretty sure he's about 22).

The trainers taught us some great info, and this one guy in particular told me that he really suggested that I take up swimming and biking until my injuries are healed. So that's what I'm doing.

This week I am going to do some biking and swimming, and I have clipped out some weightlifting stuff from RW that kind of targets injury prevention and hamstring stretching and strengthening. I'll try this for about 4 weeks. That will end on August 25, and I am planning on running a half marathon on October 13 (where I have no delusions of running a PR, or even running the whole thing- I just want to do my best and not injure myself again).

Ok- I've been putting it off long enough, time to go to the gym. And I'm planning on treating myself to a soak in the hot tub after swimming for an hour.

For the rest of the day:

  • pump up tires on my bikes and Tom's bike (he said last night that he would ride with me!!!! that would be SO much fun). 
  • work on the yellow trim in the bathroom
  • do some email stuff and stuff for Bunco
  • get beautiful for a meet and greet with my new colleagues at 4:30
  • do some reading for my new job
Hope you have a great day too!

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