
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Today's workout:
lifted weights- 30 min
elliptical- 30 min

Today was our first day back from vacation- we had a great time but it was good to come home too! I missed my girl: 

... and she has been getting SPOILED all week by our neighbor Bill. This morning she didn't eat all her breakfast. This is a big deal- normally she inhales it in less than five minutes. This morning she kind of danced around it for a while, and then finally ate it, but left a little in there. I am pretty sure that is a result of eating pizza and potato chips and whatever else Bill has been eating all week :)

Needless to say, Sunshine needs to go running tomorrow, as do I. I didn't run at all while I was in DC, but I have to give myself a break- we walked a TON. I wore my fitbit, and we usually walked about 7 miles a day- a few days more- and it was outside in the crazy heat. 

This week it is back to my weight lifting, and back to running. Sunshine has some pizza to burn off. This morning I made a spreadsheet of all the races I have run (except for a few that I couldn't find- Turkey Trots and the 3m half marathon) and I realized that I am getting SLOWER. I used to be pretty darn fast! My PR for the half marathon was at a 10:38 pace... and now I'm lucky if I can get an 11 minute mile. So, I have my work cut out for me. 

Tomorrow will be busy- still working on re-finishing bathroom cabinets, have to go to school and clean out my classroom, and I still haven't completely unpacked. But it will all get done :)


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