
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On the Injured List

No workout since Friday- I am about to go crazy.

On Friday, I was doing squats (with 30 pounds added to the bar) and I hurt my back. I went ahead and finished that workout, but haven't been able to do much since then.

I think this has been brewing for a while- I know that I have very "dominant" quads, and extremely weak/tight hamstrings and lower back muscles. Actually, that is a big reason why I started lifting weights in the first place- to fix that.

Yesterday I went to the doc (because I was freaking myself out thinking that I had a slipped disc or somthing), and she sent me next door to the physical therapist and the chiropractor. I've never been to a chiropractor before, but they had an opening and the physical therapist didn't. They took some x-rays, and did an evaluation and then gave me a "treatment" with those little electrodes that they stick on you, along with some ice packs.

I felt a little better, but I REALLY felt better when I came home and took the drugs they gave me. I've never really taken any painkillers before- they're really helping me out.

I like the idea of seeing a chiropractor, because I think they are a little more wholistic- I told her that I also have some pretty serious sciatic nerve pain sometimes, and that my right hand goes numb quite often, and she seemed to think they were all related. I'm going back tomorrow.

I'm feeling quite a bit better- I'm able to attempt some lower back/hamstring stretches. Mostly I've been reading today- I have some books to read before I go back to work.

I think I might try going on a walk tonight- maybe I'll even take Sunshine, if Tom can come with us. That might loosen things up a bit.

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