
Friday, November 9, 2012

Today is Day 1

Ok- today is day 1 of actively trying to make myself feel better. It has promise:

- I downloaded some audiobooks about self worth to listen to in the car
- I also got a subliminal meditation about increasing your self worth- it sounds like a regular relaxation cd (but it's not going to put you to sleep, so I could listen to it in traffic).
- Today is a meeting with my colleagues, which usually leaves me feeling pretty good!

I'm trying.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Attempt at creativity

Our pastor is leaving, and I adore her. I made this for her (maybe for her office?) and now I'm kind of trying to decide whether it is good enough to give as a gift or if I should just paint over it.

I got the idea from a million pinners on
Pinterest. Also, I didn't run, but I do feel better. I had a drink and sat outside on the patio- it was nice and quiet out there. I really enjoyed that. It was nice to kind of have a little space that was only filled with me.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We are trail runners now.

Today Sunshine and I ran on the greenbelt- so awesome. And pretty stinking hard! At one point we took an alternate route because there were people rock climbing, an we were running on large pebbles. No injuries!

I think Sunshine LOVED IT. I think she might demand to go back.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wow. Today was a crazy long day.

WOW. Today was long.

This morning I woke up all alone, because Tom had spent the night in Dallas- he went up with his brother to see Bob Dylan. I stayed here with Sunshine, who would NOT sleep in my room with me, even though I asked her to several times.

Work was a little hectic today- I was helping teachers with some tough situations. Tough all the time, and extra tough when you are a new teacher. One was a group of girls who were being bullies, and the other was a student who was homeless. It was a rough morning. BUT... I have to say this: I was walking back to my office, feeling more than a little sad for the homeless student, and I happened to pass by the school store, which is run by some of our special needs students. One of them was sitting in a chair just dancing her little heart out, and it brightened my day. I love seeing happy teenagers.

ALSO- I saw one of my former students from my old school- she is a SENIOR now, all growed up. She remembered me- and said she would come by my office. Hope so!

After school Tom and I went to dinner and then went to see Cloud Atlas. This movie is L O N G. Seriously, I am kind of thinking that it's a miracle that I was able to stay awake until the end. But of course I did because it was a truly amazing movie. Seriously- SO GOOD. Go see it. But keep it mind that it's three hours long. You're welcome!