
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back from the couch!!!

Today is the first day in a week that I haven't felt like I was going to cry if I had to stand up or walk longer than 30 seconds! Hooray!!! I also haven't taken any narcotics today, which is a HUGE victory. Seriously, those things helped me sleep, and not hurt anyone, but they were making me stupid.

One thing that this experience has taught me is to NOT TAKE MY BODY FOR GRANTED. Usually, my body does what I want it to. I can push it to run farther, or elliptical for 10 more minutes, or to stretch just a little longer. But unless I'm good to it and listen to it, I'm going to hurt it and then I won't be able to do much of anything. Except lay on the couch and drool.

Today, my super-productive husband has been busy (as usual)- he mowed our front lawn, and because he's such an amazing person, he also mowed his parent's lawn (they live down the street), and 2 of our neighbor's lawns. Then he mowed the back yard. Can you believe that??? Wouldn't you love to have this guy for a neighbor??? Imagine how awesome he is to have for a husband! He's really been taking care of me this week, and has been feeding me and making me laugh:

Can you see my couch-camp in the background?
Not sure why this cracks me up SO MUCH.
Also- this week I've been doing a lot of reading. Of course, a lot of it has been for my job, which is making me more and more excited about it every day (I start on August 6). Some has been about meditation, which is pretty cool:

And I've also been doing a daily devotional again! GASP!!! One that SkinnyRunner suggested: from

Off to eat a healthy lunch with my hubs, and have a great day! Hope you do too!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I enjoy reading about what you are up to these days! Maybe we can met up sometime. You can check out our family blog at if you want to know what I'm doing!

