
Monday, July 23, 2012

Progress... just not much.

Today's workout-
WILL take the dog on a walk today at some point.

Today I went to physical therapy, which I enjoyed, and I feel better! I got some deep tissue massage, which hurt, and electrode stimulation and all that stuff and stuff.  I got a butt massage (which is hilarious when I think about it, so I had to not think about it while I was getting it). The doc basically said that I will heal, but that it's a process and it might take a while. This was a huge relief to me, and i was actually hopeful about it.

Sometimes I tend to completely freak myself out- I have been thinking "Maybe I have MS" for the past few days- there have been some extremely weird pains and numb parts of my legs lately. There have also been conversations where I completely forget what I'm talking about. I was telling Tom this, and he put my mind at ease and reminded me that I have an injury and that I'm taking muscle relaxers and occasionally vicodin. So, that helped me stop freaking out, and then today REALLY helped me stop freaking out.

Yesterday Tom and I were in charge of providing after-church refreshments outside. We went to Costco and bought those really delish chocolate chip cookies- you know what ones I'm talking about:
And then I also wanted a cookie alternative (which caused a little panic with my cookie-loving husband, who was really relieved when I said we could do half and half!) so we got those yummy little lemon cakes:
After the service, Tom and I both had a few cookies and lemon bites, just to make sure that we were providing a quality product. We ate too many of them, and there may have been some people in this house suffering from something we like to call a MBE (major butt explosion). 

There were leftovers, and we HAD to take them home (how can you waste cookies?????) However, they MUST go to work with Tom tomorrow. I had a healthy lunch today of a salad topped with chicken breast and followed by two of those giant cookies and three little lemon bites. Yeah, because I'm working out so much right now, you know? Oh no- I'm not working out at ALL right now (but the doc said I'm clear, so that is gonna change). 

Anyway- we really have to watch this refreshments committee that we signed up for. I can't have all these delicious cookies taunting me from the counter!

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