
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brave little Texan!


YAY!! I was a little scared about going to the gym this morning! I put it off as long as I could- I meditated, read for work, talked to the dog for a little too long. Finally, there was no more drawing it out. It was a little painful, but I felt better afterwards! And I was proud of myself for going!

This afternoon I mostly read for work- and it got me pretty darn excited about my new job.

For dinner, we resurrected Taco Tuesday! Tom had actual tacos, and I made a taco salad!

the Photo quality is unbelievable!!

Ate pretty clean today- again, proud of myself. When I was injured I was drinking a lot of vino and eating a LOT of peanut butter and chocolate chips. I didn't do that today!

Tonight I was vacuuming (it's truly amazing how much dog hair we find that is NOT on the dog) and the vacuum sucked up a pink sock (clearly Tom leaves his socks lying around) and broke. But I know how to fix it, so I will feel like a rockstar tomorrow. I guess rockstars don't ever fix their broken appliances... I will feel like a person who can fix a vacuum!

My mom is coming tomorrow to help me paint our bathroom- I started a pretty ambitious project, and then got hurt and now I need help. So since Tom is at work all day making that money, my sweet mom is coming to help me! She's awesome at this stuff, and she's fun, so I'm really looking forward to it!!

So, tomorrow morn I'm going to the gym early, then meeting Marsh at school at 9 to clean out our classrooms (aw, that sounds so sad!) I hope I don't get all emotional and cry or something tomorrow. It's the end of an era! We are also making a point to go across the street and get a giant soda, and eat lunch at 888 (which Marsh always says is "totally worth the diarrhea"). I might even REALLY get into my last hurrah and stop at Starbucks on the way (our old school was literally right next door to Starbucks, and across the street from a convenience store that we would buy giant drinks from). 

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