
Monday, July 9, 2012

It's hot... and I'm pooped.

Today's workout:
run 2.45 miles/33 min with Sunshine

I'm starting to realize that I am going to have to change a few things with my running. First of all, I ran a mile and a half today without stopping, which I am counting as a MAJOR victory. Unfortunately, I didn't get out of the house until 9am, and it was just too hot and too humid. Actually, it was much cooler than normal- I don't think it was 90 yet. But it was extremely humid.

I broke my run into two parts- the first part was just running as far as I could without stopping, and then I kind of just ran home and stopped when I needed to. And I did some fartleks. The bad thing about this run is that it's just too hot for Sunshine right now, so I need to back off. I will start taking her on long walks in the evenings, and maybe an occasional short run in the morning (maximum of two miles), but she is on restriction until October, me thinks. She was breathing really hard today for a long time after we were done.

Plus, this will give me an excuse to be selfish with my running- which I love. I can go check out some new places to run and stuff. AND I can stop by Barton Springs when I am done occasionally, which I haven't done in a long time, since she's always with me when I drive to run. So at least there is a bright side to having to leave my running companion at home.

Today I also went to Lowes (which I seem to be doing a LOT lately), and got some more stuff for our bathroom makeover, and a new garage door opener for Tom (his old one looked like it had survived Chernobyl, and he kept insisting that it was fine).

I went up to school, thinking I would clean out my classroom finally, and it's under construction! I can't get back there- or if I could sneak in there somehow, there isn't any air conditioning, and I've already been soaked with sweat one time today. So I asked the sweet ladies in the office to give me a call when the construction is done (or sooner, if they need me to move all my teaching stuff and stuff), and headed to Target.

This was a car that was parked at school that really confused me- it had a bike in the bed and two kayaks on the roof, but it isn't Galbert's car, and there were Coke cans inside, and she only drinks Mountain Dew. Perhaps it was the truck of her dream man....

At Target, running shorts and tech t's were on sale, so I bought THREE NEW RUNNING OUTFITS!!! I can't believe it either:

I also filled up my car with gas on the way home. This is what we are paying:

How much are you paying for gas?

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