
Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today's workout:
run 3.45 miles/45:16
with sunshine

This morning I was planning on going to the gym, but the weather was an unseasonal 73 degrees, so I thought I would run instead. Plus, since Sunshine did some work on the back fence yesterday, leaving a giant hole in it, I thought I would take her along with me, since I couldn't leave her in the backyard.

I also wore a new outfit for this run- one of the ones I bought the other day at Target. I'm so glad I bought these three new running outfits- SO much more comfy than my ratty old ones. And, I looked pretty darn cute.

We went down to run on the sidewalk along Lamar- starting near the the tennis courts on 24th street. We ran along the sidewalk, and it was kind of parky and green, but then we hit the part where it becomes a busy street, which was ok. I didn't realize it, but it was hilly, but I still ran faster than I normally do, so I was happy about that. Plus, it was pretty, and it was new, so it wasn't boring.

Something unprecedented happened on this run! Sunshine has NEVER pooped on a run before, since we've had her, which is a little over a year. However, I keep a plastic poop bag tied to her harness just in case, because I REALLY don't want to be unprepared and have to leave her poop somewhere. Today, she stopped and crapped on our run- I was so proud, I almost took a picture, but I didn't want to gross out Wendy :) Then I picked it up (noticing how huge it was, and blaming Neighbor Bill for giving her so many "snacks") and tied the bag and we were on our way.

Then she did it again. Again, it was huge. And now, I didn't have a bag, so I had to leave it there, like a jerk. Sorry Austin!!! I really want to keep you beautiful!

Towards the end of the run (which wasn't really that long- not even four miles) Sunshine started dragging, so we had to stop and walk a bit. We finally got back to the tennis courts where we parked, and I thought it was a great run. I'm really concentrating on not stopping- I was pretty good at that today (and would have been better if Sunshine wasn't dragging behind me).

I come home and stretched and iced with the ice packs that I made yesterday. OF COURSE one of them broke open while I was sitting on it. I totally expected that to happen.

What are YOU up to today??

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