
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sometimes you want to pull your hair out...

.... and sometimes you just have to be happy to have a quiet night at home with your sweet husband (who is doing your laundry RIGHT NOW because he's so darn awesome) and your dog.

Today's workout:
lifted weights 30 min
elliptical: 40 min (total)
walk with Sunshine: 30 min

Today I slept too late (again) and then went to the gym. I have to start getting up early with Tom- like I'm going to work. I have much better days when I do that. Anywhoozles, the gym was pretty great, and then I did some elliptical while watching this ricidulous show called Petkeeping with Mark Morrone:

I seriously watched this show for 30 minutes. With the closed captions on. Mark talked about Manx cats (pretty cute- no tail), then did a question and answer session, and then finished up by introducing his pet Skinks. I think they were called Blue Tongued Skinks. The mom and dad were named June and Ward Cleaver and they had a bunch of babies (Wally, Beaver, Eddie, Lumpy), and when Mark fed them (he went into great detail about what he was feeding them- they probably eat better than I do), he said "look, Ward!! Look what June has cooked up for you!" You should check it out- it came on after Emeril (and the television controls on the elliptical were broken).

Then I had to run some errands. I have been having some pretty severe sciatic nerve pain, so I got some supplies to make my own ice packs (thank you Pinterest), and then I got a few workout shirts for when I lift weights. This morning at the gym, every time I did a shoulder press, everyone at the gym got a little peek of my insanely white stomach. Hopefully these will help. I also got Tom F some new socks (since he always gets holes in his toes), and some whoppers (he loves those!) And I got Sunshine her Xanax, since it's been raining like when Noah built the ark.

THEN I came home really quick to shower and head to a doctor's appointment (about the sciatic nerve issue). I put Sunshine outside and started pulling out- right when I got to the doctor, it started raining. Really hard. Monsoon. Felt like I was back in Houston.

I worried about her all through the doc appointment, and then left and came straight home without filling my perscriptions. There was a HUGE hole in our fence, and her collar was at the front door. Neighbor Bill had come over to check on her, and had taken off her electric fence collar so he could take her over to his house. He dried her off, and gave her a snack (no telling what that was, but it must have been huge, since she didn't eat her dinner):

THEN I was going to start painting, but it was getting late. Naturally, I started drinking... the hard stuff:

Haha- just kidding, I used this alcohol to make some ice packs, like I mentioned above. Then,  I cleaned the floors (dry vacuum and wet mop), and started vacuuming the carpet. And our vacuum cleaner is broken. SO, I can add that to my list of things to do tomorrow (I should really stop griping- my life is pretty sweet since I get the summer's off!). I tried to take it to one place today, but it was at someone's house, and that just seemed sketchy to me. 

And then Iris came over for dinner, and it was delicious and now we're all happy. So happy, that I am going to go snuggle up to Tom F on the couch for a bit. 

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