
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running Club

Tonight was the first meeting of a running club at my gym. Actually, the first meeting was on Tuesday, but I had bunko, so I went tonight. There were about 30 people there- maybe 25. I noticed that most everyone on the sign in list said they were a beginner. I put that I was an intermediate (since I've been running for about 7 years, and have completed one marathon and a handful of halfs and 10ks).

We did a bunch of stretches and warm up stuff in a parking lot, then we ran one lap around this little running trail that I run on all the time (right behind my house). They timed us, and said this would just be a baseline, to put us into groups, and to also keep track of how much we improve.

So, almost everyone's a beginner, right? I was ALMOST last- I think two girls came in after me. Granted, I started at the back, but still, I didn't pass anyone. And, when I put it in my running log, it turns out that it's the fastest pace I've done in a really really long time (10:52), and it was really hard. So I guess I have my work cut out for me- I need to do some speed work!

Also- I will cut myself a little slack- I did run this morning, and then paint all afternoon, so I was a little tired. And ever since I started lifting weights I've been really fatigued on my runs, which makes sense- I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

But I guess the group was pretty fun. I didn't talk to anyone. I'm kind of shy in a big group like that, and it seemed like most people where there with a friend. But I'm sure I'll get to know a few folks- even if it is that weird guy in the texas flag shorts.

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