
Friday, July 13, 2012

TGIF!!! with My Fit Foods :)

Today's workout:
weights: 30 min
elliptical:60 min

Yay- it's Friday!

This morning I slept until 9- I was TI-ERD. It was a little ridiculous. But I did run twice yesterday, and paint the bathroom, so I guess that makes sense.

I am pretty impressed and proud of myself that I stayed on the ellliptical for 60 min. I watched Tropic Thunder while I did this, which is pretty funny, and helped me keep my mind off of it. I also had my phone on hand with plenty of podcasts loaded up.

I kind of hurt my back a little during weights- I have like a "stitch" in my back, if that makes any sense. It's a nerve kind of pain. Goes GREAT with my sciatic nerve pain. Looks like I am going to have to go to some physical therapy- haven't done that in a million years! But I'm sure it beats feeling like an old lady.

Last night after my running group,  My Fit Foods showed up at the end with cold water and coupons for a free meal! I had never tried it before, so I stopped on my way home. They have TONS of different dishes, and they are all made fresh every day. They have three sizes- small (for women), medium (for men) and large (for two people). I ended up getting a small Raj's Tikka Masala, and I saved it for lunch today. It was pretty good! I like the fact that it is healthy and only 290 calories, and it filled me up, and I didn't have to clean up anything, which is pretty awesome. I'm sure I"ll be going back there- they even have a little station in the HEB that we go to.

Lots of errands to take care of today.... and some reading. However, it looks like it's about to storm, and I can't leave Sunshine alone if that's the case. So looks like the reading wins :)

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