
Sunday, September 9, 2012


I haven't been posting much lately... because this is a running blog, and I haven't been able to run lately.

I had back surgery two weeks ago. Its still a little hard for me to believe that this happened. Recovery has been going pretty well, but this weekend was rough. I've been having pretty bad pains in my lower back and in my leg (that was being affected before the surgery). The doctor's office said this was pretty normal, so I stopped freaking out about it, but I did rest a lot this weekend (and I feel tons better).

Some things that I learned from all of this:
- sometimes you really do need to get an MRI.
- dear friends will send cards, call to check in, and bring you meals.
- your own parents are awesome, and there is no substitute- my parents came and were the second and third people I saw after my surgery (after my husband).
- I don't need to take care of anyone besides myself when I'm sick or injured.
- being sick is lonely. I have spend the entire weekend alone. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow for some human contact.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you should limit yourself to just talking about running on here. I love blogs of all topics! I'm glad you got spoiled by sweet friends and your dear parents. Wish I was closer to spoil you too! Keep taking care of yourself, hoping your glad working and being amongst humans again. In the meantime, Cole will enjoy channeling his inner monkey with his beloved shirt from Aunt Nora.
