
Monday, September 24, 2012

So, I had kind of a grumpy weekend. However, I had a great voice mail from Sarah that made me feel great, and helps remind me that I shouldn't be so hard on myself!

She and I like to joke about "winning at life" or "failing at life"- naturally, both of these mean the same thing. We send text messages about it all the time. On Saturday, she called and told me that she was having a day where she felt that she was failing at life, and then she said that it's ridiculous that people like she and I actually feel that way, because we are awesome! We aren't failing!!! We are working at jobs that we love (and are darn good at!), working on keeping our marriages awesome, and being responsible citizens (voting and paying taxes and having a social conscious and such).

We really shouldn't even joke about this. I might joke about how I'm winning at life when I have spilled my morning protein shake not once but TWICE... but come on. At least I was up in the morning making something nutritious so that I could go to work with teachers at low income schools. If I was really failing, I would be eating a packaged cupcake in my bed at two in the afternoon, and washing it down with a 16ounce High Life. I would really be doing that.

So... let's be winners (for real, not in a sarcastic Charlie Sheen sense). Let's remember that we are winners. Winners that occasionally have a rough morning, or day, or week. AND, lets be winners that help each other out while we're down!

Have a wonderful day!

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