
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

almond butter... and half marathon training.

So, first, Ranger asked if I would share my training for the half in January. Honestly Ranger- I'm really just trying not to die out there. I signed up for this before my back surgery, and I'm just now starting to run again and it's s l o w. But all I did was print off Hal Higdon's half marathon novice program (just google that). His programs are great- they plan it all out for you, and there are different levels. I also printed out the 5k training program, since I can't run a 5k right now (I seriously want to cry after writing that) that I might do in the weeks leading up to when I actually start the half training. Actually, screw that, I am doing the 5k training program!!! I just decided right now!!!!!

Here is a link to the novice half training (and there are other levels if you are not a novice):
and to the 5k (for anyone who is interested):

On to other topics- I tried almond butter today for the first time. It's yummy.... but not as yummy as peanut butter, but I think this is a good thing. I'm probably not going to be scooping spoonfulls of this stuff and putting them directly in my mouth. Yay! I had one tbsp on an apple today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm up to 6 miles, but I'm having trouble getting past that. I've been at six a few times in the past months, but for some reason never 7. When I was sick two year ago, though, I could barely walk, let alone run. It took me forever to be able to run more than 2 full miles, so be kind to yourself, Nora. My major problem is that I now can realistically run only twice a week, so one training and one long run is clearly not cutting it. Sorry for the long rant, but you're one of the few people who can understand where I'm coming from! --ranger
