
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who gives, who receives?

Tom and I have been visiting a woman who lives at the same care facility where his dad has been staying. Her name is Margaret, and she is about 90 years old, and she is blind. She sits at the same table at mealtimes as Pops, and so we have gotten to know her a little bit.

I feel terrible admitting this, but I was irritated when we first started visiting her and taking communion to her. Toms mom had told her we would visit, and I felt like my time was being given away without my consent. Now, all I can say about that is that God works in mysterious ways.

So we went to visit Margaret, and Tom would give her communion and a healing prayer, and I would sit and wish we were already on our way, because it was getting late and we had to get to the grocery store (that is our Sunday routine). And in my defense, I was having some inner turmoil that I was dealing with.

Last week we went to see her again, and I haven't been in such turmoil lately- I have worked some things out.
When we came in her room, Margaret started telling us how much she missed us, which wasn't surprising- I know she lives it when my sweet husband prays with her and "talks the bible" with her. He really does take the time- I'm sure it makes her day. We also pray for her every night when we pray together, because he always remembers to mention her name.

However, Margaret told me that she had been hoping that I would come by and see her, because she had been praying for me. She said that I was always so quiet, and that she worried about me and had been praying for me- that I would be happy.

That's right- a 90 year old blind woman who has no living relatives, very few visitors, and lives in a care facility has been praying for ME. And the really crazy thing is... it's helped me. All this time, I thought we were going to visit these people because we helped them feel better, or more connected to the church, or just brightened their day. I really had no idea that they might be praying for me.

I was really touched by Margaret- God brings people into our lives, and sometimes we don't know why. I guess we just have to remember that there is always a plan... and it is much bigger than us.

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