
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Run!!!

Today I had a little 1.75 miles on my schedule, but we were expecting a friend to come by around 5:30 (he and Tom went to see Leonard Cohen tonight).So, I waited to say hi to Jason, an then Sunny and I went on a little run around the block.

There is a street close by where they really decorate for Halloween and Christmas, and tonight we went all the way down to the end instead of looping around first. There was a smoke machine and a haunted house down there! How fun!

We saw lots of cute kiddos in costumes, and a lot of them were very excited to see Sunshine. It was a great run- cant wait to go down there when the Christmas lights are all up!

So I have been having some allergy... issues... for a long time- pretty much since I moved back to Austin. I am trying an elimination diet to see if I am eating something that I'm "sensitive" to- not necessarily an allergy. Anyways, right now I'm eating from a very limited menu. Since yesterday (except for a Reese's peanut butter cup that I ate, of course. But give me a break- its Halloween!)

Now I'm at home watching the Shining... And hoping that I don't get too scared!

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