
Friday, November 9, 2012

Today is Day 1

Ok- today is day 1 of actively trying to make myself feel better. It has promise:

- I downloaded some audiobooks about self worth to listen to in the car
- I also got a subliminal meditation about increasing your self worth- it sounds like a regular relaxation cd (but it's not going to put you to sleep, so I could listen to it in traffic).
- Today is a meeting with my colleagues, which usually leaves me feeling pretty good!

I'm trying.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Attempt at creativity

Our pastor is leaving, and I adore her. I made this for her (maybe for her office?) and now I'm kind of trying to decide whether it is good enough to give as a gift or if I should just paint over it.

I got the idea from a million pinners on
Pinterest. Also, I didn't run, but I do feel better. I had a drink and sat outside on the patio- it was nice and quiet out there. I really enjoyed that. It was nice to kind of have a little space that was only filled with me.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We are trail runners now.

Today Sunshine and I ran on the greenbelt- so awesome. And pretty stinking hard! At one point we took an alternate route because there were people rock climbing, an we were running on large pebbles. No injuries!

I think Sunshine LOVED IT. I think she might demand to go back.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wow. Today was a crazy long day.

WOW. Today was long.

This morning I woke up all alone, because Tom had spent the night in Dallas- he went up with his brother to see Bob Dylan. I stayed here with Sunshine, who would NOT sleep in my room with me, even though I asked her to several times.

Work was a little hectic today- I was helping teachers with some tough situations. Tough all the time, and extra tough when you are a new teacher. One was a group of girls who were being bullies, and the other was a student who was homeless. It was a rough morning. BUT... I have to say this: I was walking back to my office, feeling more than a little sad for the homeless student, and I happened to pass by the school store, which is run by some of our special needs students. One of them was sitting in a chair just dancing her little heart out, and it brightened my day. I love seeing happy teenagers.

ALSO- I saw one of my former students from my old school- she is a SENIOR now, all growed up. She remembered me- and said she would come by my office. Hope so!

After school Tom and I went to dinner and then went to see Cloud Atlas. This movie is L O N G. Seriously, I am kind of thinking that it's a miracle that I was able to stay awake until the end. But of course I did because it was a truly amazing movie. Seriously- SO GOOD. Go see it. But keep it mind that it's three hours long. You're welcome!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Run!!!

Today I had a little 1.75 miles on my schedule, but we were expecting a friend to come by around 5:30 (he and Tom went to see Leonard Cohen tonight).So, I waited to say hi to Jason, an then Sunny and I went on a little run around the block.

There is a street close by where they really decorate for Halloween and Christmas, and tonight we went all the way down to the end instead of looping around first. There was a smoke machine and a haunted house down there! How fun!

We saw lots of cute kiddos in costumes, and a lot of them were very excited to see Sunshine. It was a great run- cant wait to go down there when the Christmas lights are all up!

So I have been having some allergy... issues... for a long time- pretty much since I moved back to Austin. I am trying an elimination diet to see if I am eating something that I'm "sensitive" to- not necessarily an allergy. Anyways, right now I'm eating from a very limited menu. Since yesterday (except for a Reese's peanut butter cup that I ate, of course. But give me a break- its Halloween!)

Now I'm at home watching the Shining... And hoping that I don't get too scared!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who gives, who receives?

Tom and I have been visiting a woman who lives at the same care facility where his dad has been staying. Her name is Margaret, and she is about 90 years old, and she is blind. She sits at the same table at mealtimes as Pops, and so we have gotten to know her a little bit.

I feel terrible admitting this, but I was irritated when we first started visiting her and taking communion to her. Toms mom had told her we would visit, and I felt like my time was being given away without my consent. Now, all I can say about that is that God works in mysterious ways.

So we went to visit Margaret, and Tom would give her communion and a healing prayer, and I would sit and wish we were already on our way, because it was getting late and we had to get to the grocery store (that is our Sunday routine). And in my defense, I was having some inner turmoil that I was dealing with.

Last week we went to see her again, and I haven't been in such turmoil lately- I have worked some things out.
When we came in her room, Margaret started telling us how much she missed us, which wasn't surprising- I know she lives it when my sweet husband prays with her and "talks the bible" with her. He really does take the time- I'm sure it makes her day. We also pray for her every night when we pray together, because he always remembers to mention her name.

However, Margaret told me that she had been hoping that I would come by and see her, because she had been praying for me. She said that I was always so quiet, and that she worried about me and had been praying for me- that I would be happy.

That's right- a 90 year old blind woman who has no living relatives, very few visitors, and lives in a care facility has been praying for ME. And the really crazy thing is... it's helped me. All this time, I thought we were going to visit these people because we helped them feel better, or more connected to the church, or just brightened their day. I really had no idea that they might be praying for me.

I was really touched by Margaret- God brings people into our lives, and sometimes we don't know why. I guess we just have to remember that there is always a plan... and it is much bigger than us.

Good morning!

Last night I lifted weights at the gym, did exercises from the better back booklet, and then ran .75 miles (mostly to try out my garmin!!!)

This morning I feel great- I slept like a rock, and I'm actually a little sore this morning! I almost forgot how good it feels!!!

Here is breakfast: whole wheat English muffin, an egg, cheese, and a quarter of an avocado. Yum!!