
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making progress

Today I don't feel like I've done very much, but I have completely prepped the bathroom so that I can paint it tomorrow.

I know I make it look easy... but it is really hard. My mom painted a LOT when I was growing up- I seriously don't know how she did it. She did it while my dad was at work, during the summer. Kind of like what I'm doing right now....

Sunshine wasn't any help AT ALL when I was doing this. She was very interested in the ladder, but mostly she did what she does best:

I also made a few doctor's appointments, watched RHONY on the DVR, and talked to my mom. I will count those thing as "getting stuff done." And I also sent some work related emails. And painted the cabinet doors. 

So, today I took a rest day- I was SO SUPER TIRED yesterday. I think I needed a recovery day from DC? Or the heat is zapping me? So I have been taking it kind of easy and not running or going to the gym today (apparently taking rest days is extremely important), but I will be back at it tomorrow.

Tonight is Bunco, which should be really fun. Right now I'm going to visit Stoney (maybe I'll take Sunshine?) and then get back in time for Bunco- maybe I'll even take Sunshine on a walk before Whitney comes to pick me up?

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