
Monday, July 30, 2012

Ending it?

First of all, I feel it is my duty to inform you of some false advertising.

I recently bought this coconut milk. I was intrigued by the 45 calories per cup, AND HEB was out of the Silk unsweetened almond milk that I really wanted (which is also 45 calories per cup). I tried it this morn over shredded wheat with blueberries.

It tasted like opaque, white water. No protein. Seriously, it kind of tasted like what I imagined the water that I  my mom had cleaned my paintbrushes in last week. THAT probably had more protein.

Yes, my awesome mom came last week to help me paint the bathroom, and that was really fun. We stayed pretty busy- worked every day from about 9 until 4 or so. The only thing I have left to do is paint the trim yellow and paint the door white. I'm waiting until that is done before I post pictures of it, but just trust me, it looks pretty awesome.

On Saturday I went to a foam rolling clinic at my gym. I ended up talking to this trainer that I kind of knew from the running group (which I haven't been back to since I hurt my back the next morning after the first meeting), who really reminds me of one of my darling students from last year that I will miss a bunch (and that makes me feel totally old- I know this guy thinks he and I are the "same age", but I'm pretty sure he's about 22).

The trainers taught us some great info, and this one guy in particular told me that he really suggested that I take up swimming and biking until my injuries are healed. So that's what I'm doing.

This week I am going to do some biking and swimming, and I have clipped out some weightlifting stuff from RW that kind of targets injury prevention and hamstring stretching and strengthening. I'll try this for about 4 weeks. That will end on August 25, and I am planning on running a half marathon on October 13 (where I have no delusions of running a PR, or even running the whole thing- I just want to do my best and not injure myself again).

Ok- I've been putting it off long enough, time to go to the gym. And I'm planning on treating myself to a soak in the hot tub after swimming for an hour.

For the rest of the day:

  • pump up tires on my bikes and Tom's bike (he said last night that he would ride with me!!!! that would be SO much fun). 
  • work on the yellow trim in the bathroom
  • do some email stuff and stuff for Bunco
  • get beautiful for a meet and greet with my new colleagues at 4:30
  • do some reading for my new job
Hope you have a great day too!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rough night!

Oh man, last night was rough. Up until 2 writhing around! I had to double my pain med and muscle relaxer.

I am really looking forward to this being over!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brave little Texan!


YAY!! I was a little scared about going to the gym this morning! I put it off as long as I could- I meditated, read for work, talked to the dog for a little too long. Finally, there was no more drawing it out. It was a little painful, but I felt better afterwards! And I was proud of myself for going!

This afternoon I mostly read for work- and it got me pretty darn excited about my new job.

For dinner, we resurrected Taco Tuesday! Tom had actual tacos, and I made a taco salad!

the Photo quality is unbelievable!!

Ate pretty clean today- again, proud of myself. When I was injured I was drinking a lot of vino and eating a LOT of peanut butter and chocolate chips. I didn't do that today!

Tonight I was vacuuming (it's truly amazing how much dog hair we find that is NOT on the dog) and the vacuum sucked up a pink sock (clearly Tom leaves his socks lying around) and broke. But I know how to fix it, so I will feel like a rockstar tomorrow. I guess rockstars don't ever fix their broken appliances... I will feel like a person who can fix a vacuum!

My mom is coming tomorrow to help me paint our bathroom- I started a pretty ambitious project, and then got hurt and now I need help. So since Tom is at work all day making that money, my sweet mom is coming to help me! She's awesome at this stuff, and she's fun, so I'm really looking forward to it!!

So, tomorrow morn I'm going to the gym early, then meeting Marsh at school at 9 to clean out our classrooms (aw, that sounds so sad!) I hope I don't get all emotional and cry or something tomorrow. It's the end of an era! We are also making a point to go across the street and get a giant soda, and eat lunch at 888 (which Marsh always says is "totally worth the diarrhea"). I might even REALLY get into my last hurrah and stop at Starbucks on the way (our old school was literally right next door to Starbucks, and across the street from a convenience store that we would buy giant drinks from). 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Progress... just not much.

Today's workout-
WILL take the dog on a walk today at some point.

Today I went to physical therapy, which I enjoyed, and I feel better! I got some deep tissue massage, which hurt, and electrode stimulation and all that stuff and stuff.  I got a butt massage (which is hilarious when I think about it, so I had to not think about it while I was getting it). The doc basically said that I will heal, but that it's a process and it might take a while. This was a huge relief to me, and i was actually hopeful about it.

Sometimes I tend to completely freak myself out- I have been thinking "Maybe I have MS" for the past few days- there have been some extremely weird pains and numb parts of my legs lately. There have also been conversations where I completely forget what I'm talking about. I was telling Tom this, and he put my mind at ease and reminded me that I have an injury and that I'm taking muscle relaxers and occasionally vicodin. So, that helped me stop freaking out, and then today REALLY helped me stop freaking out.

Yesterday Tom and I were in charge of providing after-church refreshments outside. We went to Costco and bought those really delish chocolate chip cookies- you know what ones I'm talking about:
And then I also wanted a cookie alternative (which caused a little panic with my cookie-loving husband, who was really relieved when I said we could do half and half!) so we got those yummy little lemon cakes:
After the service, Tom and I both had a few cookies and lemon bites, just to make sure that we were providing a quality product. We ate too many of them, and there may have been some people in this house suffering from something we like to call a MBE (major butt explosion). 

There were leftovers, and we HAD to take them home (how can you waste cookies?????) However, they MUST go to work with Tom tomorrow. I had a healthy lunch today of a salad topped with chicken breast and followed by two of those giant cookies and three little lemon bites. Yeah, because I'm working out so much right now, you know? Oh no- I'm not working out at ALL right now (but the doc said I'm clear, so that is gonna change). 

Anyway- we really have to watch this refreshments committee that we signed up for. I can't have all these delicious cookies taunting me from the counter!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back from the couch!!!

Today is the first day in a week that I haven't felt like I was going to cry if I had to stand up or walk longer than 30 seconds! Hooray!!! I also haven't taken any narcotics today, which is a HUGE victory. Seriously, those things helped me sleep, and not hurt anyone, but they were making me stupid.

One thing that this experience has taught me is to NOT TAKE MY BODY FOR GRANTED. Usually, my body does what I want it to. I can push it to run farther, or elliptical for 10 more minutes, or to stretch just a little longer. But unless I'm good to it and listen to it, I'm going to hurt it and then I won't be able to do much of anything. Except lay on the couch and drool.

Today, my super-productive husband has been busy (as usual)- he mowed our front lawn, and because he's such an amazing person, he also mowed his parent's lawn (they live down the street), and 2 of our neighbor's lawns. Then he mowed the back yard. Can you believe that??? Wouldn't you love to have this guy for a neighbor??? Imagine how awesome he is to have for a husband! He's really been taking care of me this week, and has been feeding me and making me laugh:

Can you see my couch-camp in the background?
Not sure why this cracks me up SO MUCH.
Also- this week I've been doing a lot of reading. Of course, a lot of it has been for my job, which is making me more and more excited about it every day (I start on August 6). Some has been about meditation, which is pretty cool:

And I've also been doing a daily devotional again! GASP!!! One that SkinnyRunner suggested: from

Off to eat a healthy lunch with my hubs, and have a great day! Hope you do too!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gym bag info

Ok, so I'm not doing much working out lately, so I thought I might do a post about what I put in my gym bag. Because that is guaranteed to be interesting. Right?

I also sometimes throw a swimsuit and towel in there. I'm going to do that tomorrow- I'm gonna go to the gym just to sit in the hot tub!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On the Injured List

No workout since Friday- I am about to go crazy.

On Friday, I was doing squats (with 30 pounds added to the bar) and I hurt my back. I went ahead and finished that workout, but haven't been able to do much since then.

I think this has been brewing for a while- I know that I have very "dominant" quads, and extremely weak/tight hamstrings and lower back muscles. Actually, that is a big reason why I started lifting weights in the first place- to fix that.

Yesterday I went to the doc (because I was freaking myself out thinking that I had a slipped disc or somthing), and she sent me next door to the physical therapist and the chiropractor. I've never been to a chiropractor before, but they had an opening and the physical therapist didn't. They took some x-rays, and did an evaluation and then gave me a "treatment" with those little electrodes that they stick on you, along with some ice packs.

I felt a little better, but I REALLY felt better when I came home and took the drugs they gave me. I've never really taken any painkillers before- they're really helping me out.

I like the idea of seeing a chiropractor, because I think they are a little more wholistic- I told her that I also have some pretty serious sciatic nerve pain sometimes, and that my right hand goes numb quite often, and she seemed to think they were all related. I'm going back tomorrow.

I'm feeling quite a bit better- I'm able to attempt some lower back/hamstring stretches. Mostly I've been reading today- I have some books to read before I go back to work.

I think I might try going on a walk tonight- maybe I'll even take Sunshine, if Tom can come with us. That might loosen things up a bit.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Darn Dog....

No workout today- I kind of hurt my back yesterday while doing squats. So I decided to take a rest day, and I feel a lot better. I might go on a walk later.

Ugh. Today Sunshine got out through the barely blockaded fence hole that she made the other day. And somehow she got through the invisible fence too.

So, we got home from an afternoon of Nephew's birthday lunch and visiting Stoney, and got to fix the fence. This first picture is Tom impersonating Sunshine:

And then here is me, in a dress, getting a million mosquito bites, fixing the fence because I love my dog:

I know my dad is proud of me.

Now off to Hyde Park Bar and Grill for dinner!! Yay!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

TGIF!!! with My Fit Foods :)

Today's workout:
weights: 30 min
elliptical:60 min

Yay- it's Friday!

This morning I slept until 9- I was TI-ERD. It was a little ridiculous. But I did run twice yesterday, and paint the bathroom, so I guess that makes sense.

I am pretty impressed and proud of myself that I stayed on the ellliptical for 60 min. I watched Tropic Thunder while I did this, which is pretty funny, and helped me keep my mind off of it. I also had my phone on hand with plenty of podcasts loaded up.

I kind of hurt my back a little during weights- I have like a "stitch" in my back, if that makes any sense. It's a nerve kind of pain. Goes GREAT with my sciatic nerve pain. Looks like I am going to have to go to some physical therapy- haven't done that in a million years! But I'm sure it beats feeling like an old lady.

Last night after my running group,  My Fit Foods showed up at the end with cold water and coupons for a free meal! I had never tried it before, so I stopped on my way home. They have TONS of different dishes, and they are all made fresh every day. They have three sizes- small (for women), medium (for men) and large (for two people). I ended up getting a small Raj's Tikka Masala, and I saved it for lunch today. It was pretty good! I like the fact that it is healthy and only 290 calories, and it filled me up, and I didn't have to clean up anything, which is pretty awesome. I'm sure I"ll be going back there- they even have a little station in the HEB that we go to.

Lots of errands to take care of today.... and some reading. However, it looks like it's about to storm, and I can't leave Sunshine alone if that's the case. So looks like the reading wins :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running Club

Tonight was the first meeting of a running club at my gym. Actually, the first meeting was on Tuesday, but I had bunko, so I went tonight. There were about 30 people there- maybe 25. I noticed that most everyone on the sign in list said they were a beginner. I put that I was an intermediate (since I've been running for about 7 years, and have completed one marathon and a handful of halfs and 10ks).

We did a bunch of stretches and warm up stuff in a parking lot, then we ran one lap around this little running trail that I run on all the time (right behind my house). They timed us, and said this would just be a baseline, to put us into groups, and to also keep track of how much we improve.

So, almost everyone's a beginner, right? I was ALMOST last- I think two girls came in after me. Granted, I started at the back, but still, I didn't pass anyone. And, when I put it in my running log, it turns out that it's the fastest pace I've done in a really really long time (10:52), and it was really hard. So I guess I have my work cut out for me- I need to do some speed work!

Also- I will cut myself a little slack- I did run this morning, and then paint all afternoon, so I was a little tired. And ever since I started lifting weights I've been really fatigued on my runs, which makes sense- I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

But I guess the group was pretty fun. I didn't talk to anyone. I'm kind of shy in a big group like that, and it seemed like most people where there with a friend. But I'm sure I'll get to know a few folks- even if it is that weird guy in the texas flag shorts.

Run review: Lamar Blvd.

So, on this blog you can find reviews of places to run around Austin. This is the very first one!! Aren't you lucky!

This morning we ran on Lamar Blvd- not really North or South, but from 24th to 38th.

We parked by the tennis courts on 24th, directly in front of the frat house. I'm really not sure what the parking situation is there, but it was easy to park right there- I guess it's technically for the tennis courts. But no meters or anything, and I felt like my car was reasonably safe.

There are water fountains at the tennis courts, which would make this a good location for a really long training run. Also, Lamar is really long. We simply traveled North from 24th. We passed a few traffic lights. The west side of Lamar was all park and then greenbelt, which was really nice. We even passed the trail to Shoal Creek park, which I might check out sometime when I have a companion other than Sunshine.

At a little over a mile, it turned into a more urban run. There were plenty of restaurants that you could possibly stop at for a drink of water or an emergency restroom break. There were trash cans (mostly at bus stops) to put dog poop bags in. The whole way is cement sidewalk- the cement is in pretty good condition too, except for one intersection that was currently under construction.

This was also a bit of a hill run- going North is uphill. Not a huge steep hill, but more like going over a long bridge. Naturally, South is downhill.

I don't think I would want to do this run without my dog, or by myself- it was very isolated, except for a few runners and an occasional bicyclist. It does go along a busy street though... I guess as long as there were cars you'd be ok? I don't know- I don't think I'd go alone. Maybe just because it was not my normal running route.

I would give this run an 8.5 out of 10, for it's access to restrooms and water, and abundance of shade and green space.


Today's workout:
run 3.45 miles/45:16
with sunshine

This morning I was planning on going to the gym, but the weather was an unseasonal 73 degrees, so I thought I would run instead. Plus, since Sunshine did some work on the back fence yesterday, leaving a giant hole in it, I thought I would take her along with me, since I couldn't leave her in the backyard.

I also wore a new outfit for this run- one of the ones I bought the other day at Target. I'm so glad I bought these three new running outfits- SO much more comfy than my ratty old ones. And, I looked pretty darn cute.

We went down to run on the sidewalk along Lamar- starting near the the tennis courts on 24th street. We ran along the sidewalk, and it was kind of parky and green, but then we hit the part where it becomes a busy street, which was ok. I didn't realize it, but it was hilly, but I still ran faster than I normally do, so I was happy about that. Plus, it was pretty, and it was new, so it wasn't boring.

Something unprecedented happened on this run! Sunshine has NEVER pooped on a run before, since we've had her, which is a little over a year. However, I keep a plastic poop bag tied to her harness just in case, because I REALLY don't want to be unprepared and have to leave her poop somewhere. Today, she stopped and crapped on our run- I was so proud, I almost took a picture, but I didn't want to gross out Wendy :) Then I picked it up (noticing how huge it was, and blaming Neighbor Bill for giving her so many "snacks") and tied the bag and we were on our way.

Then she did it again. Again, it was huge. And now, I didn't have a bag, so I had to leave it there, like a jerk. Sorry Austin!!! I really want to keep you beautiful!

Towards the end of the run (which wasn't really that long- not even four miles) Sunshine started dragging, so we had to stop and walk a bit. We finally got back to the tennis courts where we parked, and I thought it was a great run. I'm really concentrating on not stopping- I was pretty good at that today (and would have been better if Sunshine wasn't dragging behind me).

I come home and stretched and iced with the ice packs that I made yesterday. OF COURSE one of them broke open while I was sitting on it. I totally expected that to happen.

What are YOU up to today??

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sometimes you want to pull your hair out...

.... and sometimes you just have to be happy to have a quiet night at home with your sweet husband (who is doing your laundry RIGHT NOW because he's so darn awesome) and your dog.

Today's workout:
lifted weights 30 min
elliptical: 40 min (total)
walk with Sunshine: 30 min

Today I slept too late (again) and then went to the gym. I have to start getting up early with Tom- like I'm going to work. I have much better days when I do that. Anywhoozles, the gym was pretty great, and then I did some elliptical while watching this ricidulous show called Petkeeping with Mark Morrone:

I seriously watched this show for 30 minutes. With the closed captions on. Mark talked about Manx cats (pretty cute- no tail), then did a question and answer session, and then finished up by introducing his pet Skinks. I think they were called Blue Tongued Skinks. The mom and dad were named June and Ward Cleaver and they had a bunch of babies (Wally, Beaver, Eddie, Lumpy), and when Mark fed them (he went into great detail about what he was feeding them- they probably eat better than I do), he said "look, Ward!! Look what June has cooked up for you!" You should check it out- it came on after Emeril (and the television controls on the elliptical were broken).

Then I had to run some errands. I have been having some pretty severe sciatic nerve pain, so I got some supplies to make my own ice packs (thank you Pinterest), and then I got a few workout shirts for when I lift weights. This morning at the gym, every time I did a shoulder press, everyone at the gym got a little peek of my insanely white stomach. Hopefully these will help. I also got Tom F some new socks (since he always gets holes in his toes), and some whoppers (he loves those!) And I got Sunshine her Xanax, since it's been raining like when Noah built the ark.

THEN I came home really quick to shower and head to a doctor's appointment (about the sciatic nerve issue). I put Sunshine outside and started pulling out- right when I got to the doctor, it started raining. Really hard. Monsoon. Felt like I was back in Houston.

I worried about her all through the doc appointment, and then left and came straight home without filling my perscriptions. There was a HUGE hole in our fence, and her collar was at the front door. Neighbor Bill had come over to check on her, and had taken off her electric fence collar so he could take her over to his house. He dried her off, and gave her a snack (no telling what that was, but it must have been huge, since she didn't eat her dinner):

THEN I was going to start painting, but it was getting late. Naturally, I started drinking... the hard stuff:

Haha- just kidding, I used this alcohol to make some ice packs, like I mentioned above. Then,  I cleaned the floors (dry vacuum and wet mop), and started vacuuming the carpet. And our vacuum cleaner is broken. SO, I can add that to my list of things to do tomorrow (I should really stop griping- my life is pretty sweet since I get the summer's off!). I tried to take it to one place today, but it was at someone's house, and that just seemed sketchy to me. 

And then Iris came over for dinner, and it was delicious and now we're all happy. So happy, that I am going to go snuggle up to Tom F on the couch for a bit. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making progress

Today I don't feel like I've done very much, but I have completely prepped the bathroom so that I can paint it tomorrow.

I know I make it look easy... but it is really hard. My mom painted a LOT when I was growing up- I seriously don't know how she did it. She did it while my dad was at work, during the summer. Kind of like what I'm doing right now....

Sunshine wasn't any help AT ALL when I was doing this. She was very interested in the ladder, but mostly she did what she does best:

I also made a few doctor's appointments, watched RHONY on the DVR, and talked to my mom. I will count those thing as "getting stuff done." And I also sent some work related emails. And painted the cabinet doors. 

So, today I took a rest day- I was SO SUPER TIRED yesterday. I think I needed a recovery day from DC? Or the heat is zapping me? So I have been taking it kind of easy and not running or going to the gym today (apparently taking rest days is extremely important), but I will be back at it tomorrow.

Tonight is Bunco, which should be really fun. Right now I'm going to visit Stoney (maybe I'll take Sunshine?) and then get back in time for Bunco- maybe I'll even take Sunshine on a walk before Whitney comes to pick me up?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Healthy Shrimp Dinner!

Tonight it rained, and we were going to grill shrimp, so we put plan B into action and brought it inside. I started with 2 tbsp of butter in the cast iron, and then added garlic (I use that garlic that is in a squeeze bottle). THEN I added the shrimp, and sauted it until it was pink. At the end I threw in a bunch of fresh basil and the juice of one lemon. And it looked like this:

And it tasted like this:

So that will become a staple dinner around here.

It's raining tonight, which it hasn't done for a while, and Sunshine is FREAKED OUT. Must go tend to her and put some xanax down her pie-hole.

It's hot... and I'm pooped.

Today's workout:
run 2.45 miles/33 min with Sunshine

I'm starting to realize that I am going to have to change a few things with my running. First of all, I ran a mile and a half today without stopping, which I am counting as a MAJOR victory. Unfortunately, I didn't get out of the house until 9am, and it was just too hot and too humid. Actually, it was much cooler than normal- I don't think it was 90 yet. But it was extremely humid.

I broke my run into two parts- the first part was just running as far as I could without stopping, and then I kind of just ran home and stopped when I needed to. And I did some fartleks. The bad thing about this run is that it's just too hot for Sunshine right now, so I need to back off. I will start taking her on long walks in the evenings, and maybe an occasional short run in the morning (maximum of two miles), but she is on restriction until October, me thinks. She was breathing really hard today for a long time after we were done.

Plus, this will give me an excuse to be selfish with my running- which I love. I can go check out some new places to run and stuff. AND I can stop by Barton Springs when I am done occasionally, which I haven't done in a long time, since she's always with me when I drive to run. So at least there is a bright side to having to leave my running companion at home.

Today I also went to Lowes (which I seem to be doing a LOT lately), and got some more stuff for our bathroom makeover, and a new garage door opener for Tom (his old one looked like it had survived Chernobyl, and he kept insisting that it was fine).

I went up to school, thinking I would clean out my classroom finally, and it's under construction! I can't get back there- or if I could sneak in there somehow, there isn't any air conditioning, and I've already been soaked with sweat one time today. So I asked the sweet ladies in the office to give me a call when the construction is done (or sooner, if they need me to move all my teaching stuff and stuff), and headed to Target.

This was a car that was parked at school that really confused me- it had a bike in the bed and two kayaks on the roof, but it isn't Galbert's car, and there were Coke cans inside, and she only drinks Mountain Dew. Perhaps it was the truck of her dream man....

At Target, running shorts and tech t's were on sale, so I bought THREE NEW RUNNING OUTFITS!!! I can't believe it either:

I also filled up my car with gas on the way home. This is what we are paying:

How much are you paying for gas?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dinner tonight

Every Sunday Tom and I go to the grocery store, then we usually come home and make a delish dinner. Tonight we had steak (which we rarely do, because sometimes beef upsets Tom's stomach), baked potatoes (regular for T, sweet for me), and a yummy salad.

And we watched Forrest Gump while we ate, since we quoted it the entire time we were in Washington DC :)

Home Sweet Home!

Today's workout:
lifted weights- 30 min
elliptical- 30 min

Today was our first day back from vacation- we had a great time but it was good to come home too! I missed my girl: 

... and she has been getting SPOILED all week by our neighbor Bill. This morning she didn't eat all her breakfast. This is a big deal- normally she inhales it in less than five minutes. This morning she kind of danced around it for a while, and then finally ate it, but left a little in there. I am pretty sure that is a result of eating pizza and potato chips and whatever else Bill has been eating all week :)

Needless to say, Sunshine needs to go running tomorrow, as do I. I didn't run at all while I was in DC, but I have to give myself a break- we walked a TON. I wore my fitbit, and we usually walked about 7 miles a day- a few days more- and it was outside in the crazy heat. 

This week it is back to my weight lifting, and back to running. Sunshine has some pizza to burn off. This morning I made a spreadsheet of all the races I have run (except for a few that I couldn't find- Turkey Trots and the 3m half marathon) and I realized that I am getting SLOWER. I used to be pretty darn fast! My PR for the half marathon was at a 10:38 pace... and now I'm lucky if I can get an 11 minute mile. So, I have my work cut out for me. 

Tomorrow will be busy- still working on re-finishing bathroom cabinets, have to go to school and clean out my classroom, and I still haven't completely unpacked. But it will all get done :)
